This series is fun, all-ages series focusing on the teachings of Jesus that help us understand what His kingdom is all about. Click the Link to hear more!
5.25 Week 1: The King’s Announcement
5.31 Week 2: The King’s Subjects
6.7 Week 3: It’s Like The Sower and The Seed
6.14 Week 4: It’s Like The Wheat and the Weeds
6.21 Week 5: It’s Like The Mustard Seed and the Yeast
6.28 Week 6: It’s Like The Treasure and The Pearl
7.5 Week 7: It’s Like The Good and Bad Fish
7.12 Week 8: It’s Like The Man Hiring Vineyard Workers
7.19 Week 9: It’s Like The Bridesmaids and Their Lamps
7.26 Week 10: It’s Like The Fig Tree (and all the Other Trees)