There are some things that are unusual, hard to understand, downright mysterious and maybe even a little scary sometimes. That’s probably how many people feel when they hear about the “Holy Spirit.” Ghost Stories presses in to discover and learn more about who the Holy Spirit really is, how He works, and what He has been up to. But we don’t just want to fill ourselves up with head knowledge. Our hope is that we’ll come to know and love Him more deeply, and walk more closely in step with Him.
10.02. Nature of the Holy Spirit Matthew 3:1-17 (video link) (audio link)
10.09 The Holy Spirit at Creation (video link) (audio link)
10.16 The Holy Spirit B.C. (video link) (audio link)
10.23 The Holy Spirit A.D. (video link) (audio link)
10.30 The Holy Spirit in Redemption (video link) (audio link)
11.06 The Power and Presence of the Holy Spirit (video link) (audio link)
11.13 The Holy Spirit In Us (audio link) (video link)
11.20 The Holy Spirit Through Us (audio link) (video link)
11.27. The Holy Spirit gives Freedom and Life (audio link) (video link)