We are doing a new series in the book of Nehemiah. It’s a great book about the rebuilding the wall in Jerusalem after years of captivity. While much of it is very story like, there are so many great principles we can learn from it. So we’ll be taking our time working through it over the next few months. 9
01.16 Nehemiah 1:1-4 There is Something Wrong Here
01.23 Nehemiah 1:4-10 What’s Your First Response?
01.30 Nehemiah 1:10-2:8 What Are You Gonna Do?
02.06 Nehemiah 2:9-3:32 We’re All In This Together
02.13 Nehemiah 4 I’m Not Coming Off This Wall
02.20 Nehemiah 5 God’s Will, God’s Heart, God’s Way
02.27 Nehemiah 6:1-19 Stay Focused and Finish Strong
3.6 Nehemiah 7 There’s So Much Further to Go
3.13 Nehemiah 8 The Joy of the Lord is Your Strength
3.20 Nehemiah 9 Is This What Revival Looks Like?
3.27 Nehemiah 10 Making Deals with God
4.3 Nehemiah 11-12 Everything’s In Place
4.10 In the End, Everything Falls Apart
4.17 Easter Worship Gathering