Join us at Portico Church as we prepare our hearts to the celebrate the birth of the Savior. Each week will be a unique opportunity to draw nearer to Jesus. We pray God uses these worship gatherings in powerful ways this Christmas season.

11.28 the Need

12.5 the Promise

12.12 the Waiting

12.19 the Signs We will have an all-ages Worship Gathering at 9:30am with a Christmas Brunch to follow. We are asking everyone to RSVP if you intend to come. Please sign up for a side dish to share if you are able to contribute to the meal.

12.24 the Arrival Our candle light Christmas Eve worship gathering will be from 4:30-5:30pm.

12.26 the Arrival (revisited) The Arrival of Jesus was loaded with significance, and much of it was conveyed symbolically in his birth.